E-Werk Theater, Freiburg
Dagada Dance Company
Two dancers enter the emotional labyrinth, they are the people who stick out of the crowd the „losers. Men and women are under the pressure of having to fulfil certain expectations, which is affecting their bodies. Over and over again they are torn between the need to be part of the social system and a strong urge for individual fulfilment. An interplay starts between the two, adapt or break out? This interplay moves the two losers into extreme states of being.
Yannis Karalis: dance, dramaturgy
For more information and photos click here.
E-Werk Theater, Freiburg
Dagada Dance Company
The European and African artists that are part of this project are strangers in the place they currently live. What makes them strangers is obvious; their origin. What makes them continue to be strangers is more complicated; their current life conditions? The space between stigmatisation and enrichment, between exclusion and absorption should be set “in movement” in this project.
For more information and photos click here.